New Year's Resolution: DON'T DIET in 2019!

Yo yo yo, Santa Cruz!

Now's the time we start seeing all those unhelpful annual messages enticing us to diet, drink meal-replacement beverages, engage in cleanses, and over-exercise after the holidays, ostensibly to get rid of the presumed weight that was gained while eating with our loved ones in December... Hmmm. We are not a fan of this messaging at RtW. And - there IS an alternative to this diet-based mentality  - and that alternative is INTUITIVE EATING. Registered Dietitian Kat Brown will once again lead this 12-session series that helps client move past a diet framework and learn to tune in to their body's true nourishment and movement needs while accepting their body shape, size, and appearance. The group starts in mid-March, and we begin assessing clients for this group in January! Email us to find out more or to set up an assessment!

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Kat Zwick